Learn How to Make Money While Traveling

Work from Wherever

6-month training & coaching program to help you start a service-based business, quit your 9 to 5, book dream clients, and build a life you love



Turn your passions into profits and make money at home, on the road, or wherever you want to go.

Wondering how to make a living without working a 9 to 5 job? Want to start a work-from-home business, so you can work from anywhere? Ready to quit your job in 6 months and hit the open road in a van, board your next flight out of the country, or simply have the freedom to do whatever you want?


Work from Wherever is a 6-month group coaching experience teaching and supporting you to

  • Start a service-based business by turning your skills and passions into services that sell
  • Nail down your messaging to attract your dream clients
  • Package and price your services to meet and exceed your income goals
  • Quit your 9-5 and leave the cubicle life behind for good
  • Book clients consistently by using my unique ICO framework–intentional, conversational, and organic marketing strategies

Who is Work from Wherever For?

Antsy Office Dwellers Ready to Leave the Cubicle Life Behind for Good & Make Money on the Road

You want to learn how to make money while traveling by starting a done-for-you business as an online service provider. Does this sound like you?

  • You’re sick of sitting in a cubicle under fluorescent lights all day and want to use your knowledge and skills to make money online, replace your 9-5 income, and work from anywhere. You’re ready to break out of corporate jail (aka your 9-5) and finally achieve your personal goals and professional aspirations, but you aren’t sure where to start.

  • You want to invest, travel, and set yourself up for financial success now and in the future. Your current job doesn’t provide the financial opportunities you want, but you aren’t sure how to sell your skills and book clients. You need a boost of clarity, structure, and strategy.

  • You want to turn your side hustle, skills, and expertise into a sustainable way to make money online but aren’t sure how to structure your business, market your offers, and book clients consistently. You need a solid foundation and content marketing strategy that works for you.

  • You’re tired of spending your time, effort, and energy to help someone else’s business succeed and dreams come true. You know you were made for more but aren’t sure how to turn your skills into services that sell so you can make money on the road (or wherever you want to go).
Work from Wherever teaches you how to make a living without working a 9 to 5 job. I’ll show you how to turn your skills into an online service you can sell and go from working an office job to traveling, spending time with family, saving and investing in your future, and experiencing lasting freedom.

How to Make a Living Without Working a 9 to 5 Job

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn in Work from Wherever

    • Develop a Business Idea You Love that People Want

    Nail down your services, niche, & target audience

    • Set Up Your Business Foundations, Tools, and Processes

    Prepare to book and sign new clients

    • Create Clear Messaging & an Offer Suite Your Audience Wants and Needs

    Learn how to attract your target audience with messaging that resonates & packages that solve problems

    • Launch a One-Page Website & Portfolio

    Showcase your best work and highlight what makes you the best choice

    • Learn the ICO Framework to Define Your First Sale Strategy & Long-Term Marketing Plan (bonus Email Marketing course)

    Master intentional, conversational, and organic marketing strategies to book clients

    • Develop Your Client Management Strategy to Serve Your Clients Well

    Provide an exceptional client experience from start to finish

    What’s Included in Work from Wherever?

    Here’s How You’ll Learn to Make Money on the Road

    To have a profitable online business and make money while traveling, you need:

    😍 A business idea you love that you can do from anywhere

    🙌 An offer that excites your target audience

    🌱 A marketing plan that grows your business

    💻 A content strategy that captivates your audience and inspires action

    💸 A plan for long-term sustainability and consistent income

    I help you turn your experience and passion into an online service with 1:1 coaching, in-depth lessons, interactive worksheets, and unlimited support for 6 months.

    Weekly Calls with Hot-Seat Coaching

    I work with you to develop a business plan from scratch–from coming up with a business idea to creating an offer suite and sustainable marketing plan to getting your first sale and implementing strategies for long-term success. 

    Interactive Video Lessons & Worksheets

    We won’t just talk about how to make money while traveling; we’ll make it happen with interactive lessons, worksheets, and “homework” that propels you toward your goal of living a location independent lifestyle. I provide step-by-step instructions to help you develop and execute a 6-month business plan that gets you out of the office and making money on the road as soon as possible. 

    Unlimited Support for 6 Months

    I will be by your side every step of the way, helping you navigate the process of building a sustainable done-for-you business model that generates income and freedom as an online service provider. You’ll also learn from and grow with a cohort of like-minded aspiring entrepreneurs!

    What Makes Work from Wherever Unique?

    We Focus on… Goals Beyond the Business

    I want you to think beyond starting a business and making a six-figure income. What’s on the other side of that? What are your goals and dreams for your life?

    The goal isn’t to start a business. The business is simply a vehicle to help you accomplish your goals–the “why” beyond starting a business. Maybe your goal is to…

    • Travel the world
    • Be home with your kids
    • Retire your spouse
    • Invest in real estate
    • Pay off your parents’ home

    Work from Wherever will teach you how to build the vehicle you need to create a life you love, where you’re fulfilled, hopeful, and excited, not just about the future but about the here and now.

    We Prioritize… ROI Beyond the Numbers

      I can tell you from personal experience that without a vision and purpose for your business, you will get sucked into a never-ending cycle of trying to make more money… for what? Making more money and hating your life as much as you did while you were sitting in your cubicle is not the goal.

      If you have a six-figure business but it costs you 60 hours a week, your physical and mental well-being, your nights and weekends, all to work for clients you don’t like, that’s not success in my book. 

      Helping you build a life you love–where your business is a positive, life-giving tool that makes your dreams and goals possible–that’s a success. Hitting six figures? That’s just the chocolate fudge on top!

      We Build a… Life Beyond Your Business, Because of Your Business

      Throughout our six months together, I’m going to teach and help you build your vehicle. Your bus, car, train, plane–your business–to get you to your destination.

      Your unique destination–your dreams and goals–is the motivation at the core of everything we’ll do. All the advice I’ll give and the steps you’ll take will stem from the life you want to create and why you want to create it. 

      You won’t just start a business. You’ll build a life you’re excited about living.

      Meet Your Coach, Lydia

      You’ll Never See Me Under Fluorescent Lights Again

        Why be under fluorescent lights when you can be camping under the stars? Why be surrounded by grey-carpeted cubicle walls when you can be surrounded by nature? Why commute to an office every day when you can board a plane and make money from anywhere?

        • I started my content marketing business while working a 9-5 office job.
        • I sent cold emails to dream clients on my 10s.
        • I took prospective client calls on my lunch breaks. 
        • I listened to YouTube videos and podcasts during my 30-minute commute. 
        • I spent my weekends learning skills to build a profitable business. 
        • I completed client projects in between my regular work schedule. 
        • I replaced my 9-5 income in 7 months.
        • I grew my business to six figures in 12 months. 
        • And I’ve never looked back.

        It wasn’t easy. I’ve never worked so hard or so much in my life. But I’ve also never made as much money or enjoyed my work more than I do right now. 

        Starting and growing a successful business takes dedication, time, and commitment. But it is worth it. Because now, I get to earn and explore. I get to make money on the road and travel wherever and whenever I want because my income doesn’t stop, whether I’m in the country or not. It’s liberating. And I want everyone to experience it. But I know only those who are ready to put in the effort will reap the rewards. 

        If that’s you, I cannot wait to partner with you on this journey and help you quit your job in 6 months and have the freedom to make money and enjoy your life. I’m ready when you are!

        Still Have Questions?

        Book a Free Connection Call to Decide if Business Coaching is Right for You